The Takeaway: The newest of the courses in Cache County, Logan River is characterized by water, water, and more water. H2O comes into play on virtually every hole with accuracy being at an absolute premium where driver often isn’t the best play off the tee. This course is a blast to play in a scramble but can get frustrating on your own ball if you aren’t striping it all day. Grade C-
Quick Facts
Designer: Robert Muir Graves in 1993
Cost: $36.00 ($18 for a cart) Click for current rates
Phone Number: 435-750-0123
Course Website: Official Website - Visit Logan River Golf Course's official website by clicking on the link provided.
Directions: Get here! - 550 W. 1000 S., Logan, Utah 84321 – UNITED STATES
Photos: See additional photos of Logan River Golf Course
What to Expect: The first time I played Logan River I had less than 10 courses under my belt and I remember going to a website and writing an online review dubbing it "The best golf course I've ever played!" While that was indeed true, I was a bit overzealous in my comments. Over 300 courses later, Logan River still holds a dear place in my heart and is a solid municipal course to enjoy. The course is best known for the severe amount of water and marsh land property throughout, and unless you can land your driver within a 20 yard width on command, you better consider additional options off the tee on at least half the holes; even from the tips. The course is short and the slope rating found on the scorecard is a poor reflection of how much trouble there is on this tight course. In the end, Logan River demands accuracy, features oodles of trouble, and delivers plenty of risk/reward opportunities. If invited to a scramble at Logan River, jump all over it! If invited to a medal play tournament, make sure your accuracy is tuned in.
By the Numbers
Tees | Par | Yardage | Rating | Slope |
Black | 71 | 6502 | 69.6 | 124 |
Blue | 71 | 5912 | 67.1 | 115 |
White | 71 | 5562 | 65.0 | 110 |
Red (Women) | 72 | 5048 | 68.9 | 116 |