Pebble Beach Golf Links

Pebble Beach, California

Tournament Formats/Side Games

Every sport seems to be have a variety of "mini games" associated with them. Basketball has "horse", baseball has "hot box/pickle", and golf has more than all the other sports combined. This section will provide some information on a few of the tournament formats and side games that the Gurus enjoy.


Before diving into the various golf games, I have to tell you about Scrolf. Are you looking to take your golf tournament to the next level? I can think of no better way than with Scrolf which is an online live leaderboard designed specifically for golf tournaments. Whether your tournament is using a scramble format, stroke play, or match play, Scrolf has you covered with a variety of ways to customize your experience. We've used Scrolf for events we've organized and everyone has LOVED the live leaderboard that allows everyone in the tournament know exactly where they, or their team, stands. It is a ton of fun and is an affordable way to bring a professional touch to your tournament. Check out their website here to see just how easy Scrolf is to use and how well it can be customized to your event. You can also reach their support staff at if you have any questions or need any help getting set up.

Individual Scoring Formats and Games:


In a Chicago format players start the round with a negative number of points based on their handicap. Scratch golfers start at -39 with each handicap stroke over scratch adding one point to the starting figure (i.e. 5 handicapper would start with -34, 8 handicapper -31, etc.). Golfers then try to get out of the hole by adding points to their total. The point system works as follows:

  • 0 points for Double Bogey or worse
  • 1 point for Bogey
  • 2 points for Par
  • 4 points for Birdie
  • 8 points for Eagle
  • 16 points for Albatross

This fun format encourages players to take risks trying to score under par; especially considering a double bogey or worse is all worth zero points and doesn't bring down your score further. The player with the highest score (negative or not) wins. This scoring format can be utilized for team or individual games/tournaments where you could also have prizes for the winners.


A Maxwell tournament is when you have 5 player teams and at the end of each hole you throw out the worst score. Your team score is then the total of the other four scores in relation to par. For example, if the opening hole is a par four and the five players on the team have scores of 3, 4, 5, 5, and 6; the 6 is thrown out and the team score is +1 on that hole (-1 for the birdie, 0 for the par, +1 for each bogey). Traditionally this is a format that is used for 5 player teams, however it can be used for smaller sized teams as well.


Most well known as the format formerly used in the PGA Tour event held at Castle Pines Golf Club near Denver, The International, a Modified Stableford awards extra value to strokes under par:

  • -3 points for Double Bogey or worse
  • -1 point for Bogey
  • 0 points for Par
  • 2 points for Birdie
  • 5 points for Eagle
  • 8 points for Albatross

Handicaps can be employed into the system by grouping similar handicapped players together and modifying the scoring chart for each group to reflect the skill level according.


Nassau is a very simple, yet popular game. It consists of three matches; the front nine, the back nine, and the entire 18. The contest can be played using stroke (medal) play or match play.


Not quite as popular as the Modified Stableford format, Stablefords encourage players to accumulate points using the following scoring format:

  • 0 points for Double Bogey or worse
  • 1 point for Bogey
  • 2 points for Par
  • 3 points for Birdie
  • 4 points for Eagle
  • 5 points for Albatross

This format can be taken a step further by incorporating the handicap system. If a 24 handicap player were participating, they would be given 24 strokes during the round - one stroke on each of the 18 holes and two stokes on the six most difficult rated holes on the course (holes with a handicap rating of 1-6). A 10 handicap player would receive strokes on the ten most difficult holes (holes handicap rated 1-10) and no extra stokes on the other eight holes. The net score when then be applied to the scoring system above.

2 Player Team Formats:


Also known as Foursomes, alternate shot is just what is sounds like. Teammates play just one ball between them and take turns hitting alternating shots until the ball is holed. Prior to playing the first hole, the teammates determine which player will tee off on the odd numbered holes leaving the other player with the even numbered holes.


Also known as Four Ball when competing in match play, each player on the team plays their individual ball until holed. The best individual score made on the hole is posted as the team's score.


Also known as Pinehurst, this 2 man-team format requires teammates to both tee off and then switch balls. After playing the second shots, the best ball is selected and an alternate shot format is played until the ball is holed with the player whose second shot was not selected hitting the teams third stroke.


Daytona is like Sin City, but with a twist. In Daytona the worst score is put first unless one player scores par or better. For example, let's say the opening hole at the course you are playing is a par four. If the players on a team score 5 and 6, the team score is a 65. However if the players score a 4 and a 7, the team score would be 47. The par that was scored in the second example keeps the low number first while the first team example has to put their higher score first for failing to take a par. This format can be used as a total cumulative score or in match play in one, three, six, or nine hole sets.


Las Vegas is a fun game that really rewards birdies and at the same time can softenen the blow of a weaker player's score. Played in teams of two, the players scores are paired rather than combined in order to determine a team score. So if one teammate scores a six on the hole and the other teammate scores a four, the team score is a 46 (lowest score is always posted as the front number). If the other team scores a pair of fives, their score would be 55. The differential is calculated (55 - 46 = 9) and points are tracked throughout the round in order to determine the winning team; or points can have a monetary value (5 or 10 cents each for example) in which to pay out bets on.


In this format teammates scores are multiplied to create a team score. So if one player get a 5 and the other gets a 4, the team score is 20 (4 x 5 = 20). This scoring system can be used a variety of ways. It can be a cumulative total at the end of the round, it can be a hole-by-hole match play format, or cumulative for three hole sets and using the three hole total in a match play scenario against opponents.


This is essentially a combination of Multiplier and the Chicago Stableford scoring system. The Chicago Stableford scoring system awards 0 points for double bogey or worse, 1 point for bogey, 2 for par, 4 for birdie, and 8 for eagle. You and your partner multiply your scores together to get a team score on each hole. So if both teammates take par, you take 2 x 2 for a total of 4 points. If one player takes a double bogey and the other takes an eagle, you sadly get 0 points since 0 x 8 = 0. This format can be used as a cumulative score, in hole-by-hole match play, or in match play sets where cumulative points for 3, 6, or 9 hole sets are compared to their opponents total.


This is the game everyone hates me for coming up with. The same concept as a scramble is used, however the WORST shot each time has to be selected to play from. Therefore, if everyone on a team holes a putt except one guy then the putt is no good and you play from the missed shot. This format is better suited for two man teams as opposed to four, espeically considering bogey is a good score here.


This is the match play version of Las Vegas. Players scores are combined to create a total score with the lowest score being the first number. So if one teammate scores a 6 and the other takes a 4, the team score is a 46. Scores can be compared on each individual hole to get a point or could be done in three hole sets where the cumulative score of the three hole set is compared to the cumulative three hole score of their opponent with the lowest total score going up 1 in the match.


Shoot out is played with one more team than holes being played (any number of holes can be played). For example, 19 teams would participate in an 18 hole match and ten players/teams in a nine hole match. After each hole, the team with the highest score is eliminated. In the case of a tie (which will often happen while the field is large) a "chip off" is done and the team furthest from the hole is eliminated. Obviously the goal is to be the last team standing on the final green as they are declared champion and take home the Championship Belt. When played in teams, alternate shot is generally the format; however this could be used for a singles event as well. Obviously this game takes quite a bit of time early on in the match, but is a very fun format to compete in.

4 Player Team Formats:


This game requires 3-4 players per team, minimum of two teams, to play in a best ball format. Each player plays their own ball with the twist being that each player takes turns (in a predetermined rotational order) being the 'Lone Ranger' for the hole. Two scores are recorded for the team; the Lone Ranger's score as well as the best ball score from the other teammates. The Lone Ranger rotation would work as follows: Player A is the Lone Ranger for holes 1, 5, 9, 13, and 17; Player B for holes 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, etc. It is a great game that puts some pressure on individual players and the format can be mixed in with a Las Vegas or Chicago scoring style for an added twist.


While able to be used for two and three player teams, it is mostly used in four player teams and is the most common format for casual events or when many players in the field don't play a lot. In a scramble all the players on the team tee off. The team selects the best shot and the other players pick up their balls and everyone on the team plays within one club length (no closer to the hole) of the best tee shot. After everyone hits their second shot, the best shot is again selected from which point everyone again plays within one club length (no closer to the hole) from the best spot. This is repeated until the ball is holed.

Threesome Side Games:


Defender is a great three player game that is especially effective when playing with guys of similar handicaps. Prior to teeing off the group must establish a rotation; Player A defends hole one, Player B defends hole two, Player C defends hole three, Player A defends hole four and so on. If the defender successfully defends his hole by having the lowest score of the threesome then he is awarded 3 points. If the defender is defeated by one of the other players then he gets 0 points and the other two players gain 1 point each. If both players defeat the defender, the defender gets 0 points and the other two players gain 2 points each. If there is a tie between the defender and one of the other players, then the defender gains 1 point while the other players take 0 points. Obviously this game can be played with four players as well, but it is one of the few games out there that works really well as a three player game.


Another great game for a threesome to employ. Six points are available on each hole with four points being awarded to the player with the best score, two points for the second best score, and zero points to the player with the worst score. If there is a tie for the best score then the points are divided evenly 3-3-0 or 2-2-2 depending on the whether it was a two or three player tie. If there is a tie for second place then the points are divided up 4-1-1.

Foursome Side Games:


In this side game a point is given to the first ball on the green, a point for closest to the hole, and a point for the first ball that is holed. This game is great when you have a wide spread of handicappers playing together in a foursome.


In this format there are 12 points available on each hole available to be won. The player with the lowest score in the group gets 6 points, the next lowest score gets 4 points, next lowest 2, and the worst score gets 0 points. In the event of a tie, points are added up and divided equally. For example, Player A scores a 4, Player B scores 3, Player C scores 4, and Player D scores 5. Player B would get 6 points, Players A and C would take the 4 points awarded to second place and the 2 points awarded to third place, and split them up for 3 points each. Player D would earn 0 points.


Wolf is a popular betting game played in a best ball format with each player in the foursome taking turns being the Wolf for a hole. As the Wolf you always tee off first and have three options for the hole: 1. Before teeing off you can go "Lone Wolf" and take on the other three players with the Wolf winning or losing triple the points. 2. After your tee shot you can decide to take on the other three players with the Wolf winning or losing double the points. 3. After hitting your tee shot you watch as each player tees off and try to decide on a partner for the hole. The catch is you have to select your partner after you have seen his tee shot but prior to seeing the next player's tee shot. If you don't like what you see from the first two players you automatically get the third players as your partner. These matches are worth one point or whatever the base bet is.

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